This is going to be my yarn room. Looks pretty sad right now. It has great windows with morning light! By this evening, I am hoping for a cozy retreat.

Below are the boxes, in the dining room, with everything that will go in the yarn room. When the yarn room is unpacked; the dining room will be minus the boxes. That will be a very good thing.
Yesterday was an adventure for us. When you don't live in the city limits; you have to go to the county seat
in your county for vehicle registrations and such. (there is one 6 miles from us but it's not in our county) We did drivers license yesterday. That was a 70 mile round trip for us
twice! Joe didn't have his SS card and I had to have my birth certificate. We got back home about 5:30pm. Joe got a bit frustrated; so I had to remind him WHO wanted to live in the country.....

This is the sight in front of our house that greeted the garbage truck when they turned the corner. I am certain THEY will be glad when we are unpacked. Otherwise, it was a beautiful, cool, foggy morning.

For my friends in Lake Charles, a new photo of Jayden; our newest/youngest grandchild. You may remember his pre-birth pictures I posted. Kim and Pam, with Alexis, Kayla and Jayden came for a visit a couple of weeks ago. Blogger wasn't uploading photos then. She had him sitting on my coffee table in his Bumbo watching cartoons with Alexis and Kayla. I knitted Jayden several pairs of socks which he promptly outgrew! He looks a bit like all of us - Pam, Kim and I; but most definitely his Dad. He is particularly fond of his Poppy Joe.