Saturday, March 8, 2008

What's More Fun Than -

Meeting a girlfriend (that's as obsessive as you) at your favorite yarn shop is one of those really fun things that only knitters understand. That's what I did this morning! Debyknits and husband, from Lake Charles, are in Houston for the weekend. We met at Twisted Yarns for a bit of shopping. Being Saturday, she got to meet TwistedKnitter! Isn't Ravelry just the absolute BEST thing ever?

I needed the Noni pattern for Camellias to go on a purse I am ready to knit. Then, we went for the sock yarn. We both LOVE sock yarn; okay, we obsess about sock yarn. I came home with another skein of Noro Kureyon sock yarn. I found Manos Silk Blend. Once you touch Manos, you can't leave the shop without it! It will haunt your thoughts and you have to go back the next day and get it. Saved myself the trip! Saving the best for last, a stitch book to get lost in - Lace and Eyelets - one of the Harmony Guides. Not forgetting about Joe, I bought 2 skeins of Noro Kureyon for him. He just started knitting Saartje's Noro hat pattern in ArtYarns. It is pretty but not as pretty as it would be knitted in Noro. So, he has a second hat in queue, thanks to me! He seemed excited.....

Manos Silk Blend - I am thinking handwarmers with an open lace pattern on the top of the hand. Aren't those gorgeous colors? I may have to swatch the Manos tonight.

Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn

I finished Todd's Birthday Socks! Yea! They need to be washed and blocked, then get another picture. Kim, don't tell him they're on the blog! I will be delivering them to him this coming weekend.

I will be finishing the second sock of the first pair of Noro socks. I am working through the pattern for errors as I knit the second sock. The pattern will be a free download on Ravelry.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Debby Ware Workshop

This is the cover of Debby Ware's book entitled "Too Cute"! That is exactly what you say when you flip through and see all the cute patterns for children.

We had quite a group of knitters in attendance. Debby Ware is truly a most delightful lady. As you can see, she kept us busy! We were so inspired by the knitted displays she brought from her new book, Scrumptious Toppers for Tots and Toddlers: 30 Hats and Caps from Debby Ware, that will be out September 30th.

I can't believe it's Me and Debby Ware!

Debby is definitely a "hands on" instructor! We all had THE best time!

She walked around the room giving each one of us individual attention.

At left is the booklet she gave each of us. It is full of fun stuff along with two knitted examples of 2 color ribbing. The Tutti Frutti Beret is the pattern I started. It is at the top right along with a bootie I made in the workshop.

And a good time was had by all!