Friday, January 26, 2007

HI Mary!

Last night was our Knit Night Out in BAM! These are the knitters who came out to knit together. Front to back - Jutta, Sandy, Patricia and Debbie W.

We are saying a big HI to our knitting friend, Mary, who is in California with her Mother. We are hoping to send a bit of home and love to her.

Other side of the table front to back - Gina, Connie, Janet (who is talking) and Emily.

Jutta knitted a gorgeous Sweetheart Shawl in practically no time! We are so impressed! You can't see the pattern here, nor Jutta, but there's a close up farther down.

That's better! Hi to Family and Friends in Germany! Andrew wasn't with her tonight but I will try to discretly get a pic of him when he is with her.

This is Debbie W's sock in Colinette's Jitterbug. Gorgeous sock and yarn - had to get a pic of it. She is working on the second one.

Sandy and Jutta knitting away.

This is a great pic of Gina. This is the way we all love to see her - knitting looking over the top of her glasses on her nose and smiling!

The handsome gentleman in the background is my husband, Joe! :)

Joe is admiring the gorgeous knitting in Jutta's shawl. He knows the work that went into this project. You can see the design in the shawl in this pic.

Christi is relaxing as Sandy continues knitting.

Diana with her sister and Christi talking away.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The pictures of the group were great! It's really nice to be able to see what everyone is doing. I'll try to take some pictures of what I've been doing and have Woody bring them over. Big Hello to everyone, I miss you all.