Crystal Palace Yarns has asked if I will knit a couple more socks in solids for them. Ann Norling Patterns (Marge) wants my knitted socks for the new photograph on one of her sock patterns. How cool is that? I am surprised AND very pleased!
in a WET heap. After many hours of knitting, this a sight that causes anxiety for most knitters. I have it in the dryer now tossing about on air. I am checking it frequently. When it is somewhat dry; I plan to spread it out on my bed to finish drying.
Many of you know Alexis; so here she is holding her new baby brother for the first time. Joe brought me roses from the yard this morning. This was/is a Jackson Perkins experimental rose that he was evaluating for them. I hadn't realized that it survived Rita; it is my favorite. So, we will be digging it up in a few months for a road trip!
OKC - The Big Bad Baby Blanket is coming along at a frantic pace. It is almost halfway completed at 17" thanks mostly to knitting in the car AND being stuck in traffic on I10 in Houston for a LONG time while it was closed; yes, closed. We will be on the road again early tomorrow morning. Joe has an alternate scenic route through Port Arthur for our return trip. It is great knitting time. (they say the inside of your purse is a reflection of your state of mind. I think my knitting table is probably a more accurate reflection)
Thought ya'll would enjoy seeing major frogging for the umpteenth time. Joe finally quit asking "are you frogging that again"?! Yes, my husband, I am.