I am quite pleased with myself this morning. I have been an hour ahead of the clock. Joe likes to eat at 12Noon straight up! I had seasoned a brisket and put it in the fridge last night. He put it in the oven this morning "sometime" before I got up. At 10:30AM, I thought it was 11:30aM; and started our lunch. On the menu - brisket, BBQ pinto beans and baby Yukon gold potatoes steamed in healthy butter-tasting stuff with Tony's!
Almost OTN - this afternoon, I am beginning some sock designs. I have chosen a near solid yarn - Poppy - and it is wound into a ball. I will let you know how that goes.
Jayden's Big Bad Baby Blanket

in a WET heap. After many hours of knitting, this a sight that causes anxiety for most knitters. I have it in the dryer now tossing about on air. I am checking it frequently. When it is somewhat dry; I plan to spread it out on my bed to finish drying.
Many of you know Alexis; so here she is holding her new baby brother for the first time. Joe brought me roses from the yard this morning. This was/is a Jackson Perkins experimental rose that he was evaluating for them. I hadn't realized that it survived Rita; it is my favorite. So, we will be digging it up in a few months for a road trip!
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