The Elf hat is finished along with the gauntlets to match, the second one went quite well, down to only a couple of the sailor words, no tinking, and no help from the DW, ta da!!! Actually, Gabby will get something else to go with the gauntlets, after seeing the finished product, the Elf hat is something I feel she may not wear. Being an 11 year old in June, the hat may be too “cutsie” for that age, she will probably feel like it makes her look too young.

You guys remember not wanting to look too young don’t you? Now I for one would love to look “too young” for my age, that ain’t happen'! Funny isn’t it how we view age. As a teenager, we try to look 20ish, all grown up, got all the mature “equipment” we have no idea how to use but are aching to try out, just as soon as we figure "it" out. Then the 30’s come along, we have it all figured out, plus the consequences that come along with it, namely our dear, loving, sweet, adorable children (said as a loving dad)……yeah right, and we don’t have time to worry about age. Then somehow the 50’s- 60’s creep up and all of a sudden we are trying to look 20ish again, or at least do the best we can, which is usually a total failure, you can’t make a 57 Chevy look like a 2007 Corvette no how matter how hard you try, (actually the 57 Chevy is a much hotter looking a car, but that is only my opinion). And sadly a lot of folks spend what it takes to buy the Corvette trying to look younger, you can only stretch a piece of leather so far………..
Anyway, back to the Gabby issue, I will be making her a belt to go along with the gauntlets, this will be much cooler and hopefully something she will wear. It will be like the one I just finished, the DIY Fringed Hippy Belt in Crystal Palace Yarns Trio, it has a lot of shiny stuff a young lady should really like. I modified it some, added a double YO instead of the single in the pattern, it gives it more openness, as Debbie says, Cute!

I am not knitting as much now, as Debbie said the house in Texas has started and now I have to get our yard here in better shape. I will be spending more time in the yard with the ax, shovel, rake and hoe ( hoe as in yard tool, not as in ho that can get you fired…oh wait I can’t get fired, I don’t have a job). But fear not, will be doing some knitting, and will keep you up on my adventures.
Till next time, Knit On…..Joe
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