A few months ago in the middle of Summer, I watched as Kayla tried to pull on a shrug I had made for her. It was obviously too small but she wanted to wear it anyway. My arms get cold, she told me as she walked away with it on. I knew then I needed to make her another one.
There's nothing that compares to a grandchild that actually likes what you knit for them.
Until now, I hadn't found a suitable yarn for Kayla's Shrug. She likes pink, period. No other color will do but I didn't want the usual pinks we see all the time. I wanted it to be special. While browsing in my LYS, I found Lanaloft. It is so nice and soft. The colorway is Cherry Cherry. Perfect for Kayla.
I had taken her measurements last time she was here. I neglected to get a couple of pertinent measurements if I wanted to knit a shrug in the round (no seams). Kim has sent those measurements and I started it this morning. I have been wanting to start this having swatched right away. It is a lucious yarn. It probably won't take very long to knit this and I am going to enjoy every minute spent knitting this for Kayla Marie. I am making it up as I go; probably will get tinked now and then until I have it just right.
What a sweet little face

A favorite photo of my two granddaughters taken about 4 yrs ago. In the knitting room of the Knit N Needle, Alexis is showing Kayla how to knit even though Kayla is a bit too young yet. Kayla still talks about "her knit". Whatever you are knitting, it is "your knit" to Kayla.

Kayla playing in a large Lantern Moon knitting basket.
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