Whew! I unfolded the cuff so you can see "the whole 9 yards". In reality, it is JUST 9" of ribbing; but that IS a lot of boring 2 X 2.

The toe is ready to be kitchenered (is that a word). I am meeting Loretta tomorrow for a "knitting lunch". She needs to go over kitchener again; she isn't pleased with how her last one turned out. It is undone and ready to go again. I am taking this one and we will do them together. This yarn made a nice man's sock, I think. I enjoyed knitting with it.

A close-up of the stockinette stitch - really nice.
So, this is where I am right now. Toe ready to be kitchenered and I have cast on for the next sock. I have quite a lot of yarn tail left over from the cast on. Maybe I should weigh the yarn to see how close it's going to come for the second sock. There's enough yarn to Kitchener the second sock if I were to run short - hmmmm. The sock foot on this particular sock is 10.5 inches.

Cast on via the 12" circular.
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