Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Knitting, Knitting and More Knitting...

Mystery Knitting
A knitting project I have had in my head for some months is slowly appearing! There are little metal beads peaking out - those little guys have been tinked a lot. Yes, you DO see a "life line" at the end of the ribbing. Word to the wise - Never, never knit while sipping a margarita. I work on this at home only where peace and quiet allow the subconscious creative mind to work (in other words - not at Knit Night Out) This is NOT a sock.

The Big Bad Baby Blanket from Debbie Stoller's Stitch N Bitch book (one of my favorites for knitting basics). The yarn is Berroco's Touche; a cotton blend that feels like silk. The color doesn't show true; it is a very pale shade of yellow - kinda like cornsilk. Pam loves the color and it matches Jaden's room decor perfectly! I fretted a bit that I hadn't stashed blue for his knitting but I could not have chosen a better color looking back now! It's amazing how things can turn out so perfect! Sometime later in the year, I will knit a sweater and hat in about a 12 mo size for Fall.
Panda Cotton! Two pair completed! These are going in the mail to Crystal Palace Yarns today. Snapped a quick pic before they go into the mailing envelope!

"Another pair of socks for baby Jaden?" asks Joe. The colors in this photo actually came out pretty good although the yarn is more deep blue in person! This is Trekking XXL #71.

I have been putting out Easter Bunnies around the house. So, some will be shared with you on the blog over the next few weeks. I particularly like the sparkles on this Bunny.

This cutie also has sparkles and a flower collar!

This Bunny gets to sit on my knitting table until Easter. He listens to all my knitting muttering.

(Joe just passed through saying the cable of his circular needles are curling up again - the ones his shawl are on. He is going to to the kitchen to dip the cable in hot water. I told him he could slip his knitting off onto another needle and unkink his cable. Ooooh, but no, he's going to do it with his knitting still on the needles. I am still giggling.................) He is baking a dijon pork tenderloin for lunch that smells FABULOUS! How I love a man that cooks AND knits! Truly my Heaven on Earth!

1 comment:

neelucidat said...

I love the coloured sockes! The bunnies are very cute, did you make those yourself, too?