Friday, August 3, 2007

We are Out of the old House...

...not yet in the new house. It's a funny feeling to be "between" houses. We are completely moved out of the house in Lake Charles. (OMG am I glad to be finished moving OUT) The House in Houston isn't finished and won't be for at least 3 weeks. Our stuff, and my yarn stash, is at Kim and Todd's house. Our furniture is in storage in Conroe Texas. Every other thing we own is boxed and in storage in Lake Charles. We are going to be sharing Kayla's room for a few days and then we will head on to Houston. We will not have computer access at the extended stay hotel in Houston. So, posts may be sparse for a couple of weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One thing is for certain, Lake Charles is losing, but, Houston is gaining someone special. I will miss seeing & knitting w/ you @ BAM. take care, dalp % in Gillis